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Morris Library

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New and Trial Databases

These databases are newly added to our collection or being evaluated for purchase in the future.
Alternate Name(s) ASM Handbooks Online, ASM Technical Books, ASM Failure Analysis, ASM Alloy Digest, EDFA Technical Articles, AM&P Technical Articles, ASM Conference Proceedings
The ASM Digital Library provides access to articles, books, databases, and industry news on current engineering practices and scientific research in the development, manufacturing, testing, modeling, and application of engineered materials. Morris Libary's supsbscription includes access to ASM Handbooks, ASM Technical Books, ASM Failure Analysis, ASM Alloy Digest, EDFA Technical Articles, AM&P Technical Articles, and ASM Conference Proceedings.
  • Subscribed through the Library
Alternate Name(s) Dryad Data Management
Dryad is a non-profit data repository offering data curation and publishing services. SIUC-affiliated researchers can publish their data in Dryad free of charge.
  • Subscribed through the Library
Digital collection covering "feminism over the long nineteenth century (1776–1928). It contains an extensive range of primary and secondary resources, including full books, selected chapters, and journal articles, as well as new thematic essays, and subject introductions on its structural themes."