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BIOL 212: Introductory Evolution and Ecology: Home

This is a research guide for students taking Biology 212.

Writing Papers in the Biological Sciences

Find Articles about Archaea and Bacteria

The Web of Science box allows you to search many biology databases for articles about bacteria and archaea (Biological Abstracts, Zoological Record, Science Citation Index, MEDLINE (PubMed), etc.).

Note: For this tool, don't search with sentences. Use your key terms and connect them with the words and (i.e. all of my words), or (any of my words), or not (none of these words):

What is the role of gut bacteria in the development of Parkinson Disease ---> Bacteria and gut and Parkinson Disease

Sample searches:

  • bacteria and oil spills and remediation
  • archaea and periodontitis
  • antibiotic resistance and typhoid

Use the Find Full Text link in the article citations to see if we have the item online or in print at Morris Library.

For help, contact me or the librarians at Morris Library.)

Sample articles:

Search Web of Science

Search Web of Science™

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CSE Style Resources

The Council of Science Editors (CSE) style (formerly known as CBE style) is used by many scientists.

Morris Library keeps a print copy of the newest edition behind the Information Desk for in-library use.

Online CSE Resources