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BIOL 213: Introductory Organismal Form and Function: Home

This is a guide for students taking Biology 213, Introductory Organismal Form and Function.

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McMillan: Writing Papers in the Biological Sciences

Key Databases for Literature Reviews for Biology 213

Use these databases to find peer-reviewed original research articles about plant pathology and mammalian teratology.

See the next box if you need help identifying an original research paper vs. a review article. If you need assistance contact me or your instructor.

Note: For most of these  tools, don't search with sentences. Use your key terms and connect them with the words and (i.e. all of my words), or (any of my words), or not (none of these words):

What are the effects of thyroid hormones on gene expression in amphibian limbs --->thyroid and hormones and gene expression and amphibians and limbs

Use the Find Full Text link/icon to see if we have the item online or in print at Morris Library.

For help, contact me or the librarians at Morris Library.

Original Research Articles vs Review Articles

You will need at least 6 references, including "at least 4 original research/journal articles from a variety of authors." (Biology 213 Literature Review handout).

Scholarly journals often include both original research articles and review articles. You need to be able to tell them apart so you will use the right types of sources in your paper. What's the difference?

An original research paper:

  • Is a report of an experiment or study performed by the authors
  • Usually has these sections:
    • Abstract (a summary of the paper)
    • Introduction (includes the research question or hypothesis) and often a brief literature review
    • Methods (also called Materials and Methods or Methodology, explains how the experiment/study was performed)
    • Results (which usually include charts and graphs in scientific papers)
    • Discussion
    • References


A review article:

  • Gives an overview and analysis of previously published research on a topic.
  • Usually examines multiple experimental research papers on a topic, and summarizes the results of these articles
  • May have the word "Review" in the title.


If you have any questions, ask me or your instructor.

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Search by broad topic and then limit by format type including electronic books (see the right hand-hand column of the search results screen).

You may limit to SIUC only if you choose (this works for electronic books).

You may also change the search type from relevance to newest.

If you are unable to request an item from I-Share, ask me or Ask-A-Librarian about requesting it using a different interlibrary loan system.

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About CSE Style

The Council of Science Editors (CSE) style (formerly known as CBE style) is used by many scientists.

Morris Library keeps a print copy of the newest edition behind the Information Desk for in-library use.

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