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Morris Library

AD 338: Artistic Growth of Adolescents and Adults: Visual Resources

A guide to library and web resources for AD 338.

Searching for Articles VS Searching for Images:

Articles: key terms in the scholarship

Images: period, movement, school, country, artist

Citing Images

For APA, 7th edition:

Artist Lastname, Firstinitial. (Year of release). Title of artwork [medium]. Name of owning museum, Location City, State, Country. URL of page on which the image appears.

For MLA:

Artist Lastname, Firstname. Title of work. Date of creation. Owning Institution/Gallery/Museum, Location City. Name of Website, URL of page on which the image appears.

Library Image Databases

Images Licensed for Reuse

These images are publicly available or have limited restrictions. Remember that public domain is always "to the best of our knowledge" and use images according to the restrictions described by each hosting site.

Public Domain Images from Wikimedia Commons

van Gogh, V. (1889). La Berceuse [painting]. Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City, NY, USA.

Copyright Info