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Open Educational Resources: Open Textbook Faculty Incentive Programs

Open Textbook Faculty Incentive Program 

The high-cost of textbooks is one of the factors that affects student learning outcomes and student success. Students avoid certain classes, drop a class, or do poorly when they cannot afford the text for a course. Morris Library's Open Textbook Faculty Incentive Program supports students by creating incentives for teaching faculty to use alternative lower-cost educational materials rather than high-cost textbooks. This may include the adoption or adaption of an existing open textbook, or, in some cases, the creation of a new open textbook. Sponsored by Morris Library, a small fund will be available annually.

Interested faculty will be required to submit a proposal. Please go here to submit your proposal:

Proposals will be submitted in one of the following tiers:

  • Tier 1 (Adopt)
    • Individual faculty members incorporate an existing open textbook into their course ($500 award).
    • Individual instructors or multi-section course teams of at least two instructors who adopt an existing open textbook(s) for use in multi-section courses (must be two or more sections) ($1,000 award).
  • Tier 2 (Adapt)
    • Individual faculty members adapt an open textbook(s) for a single section course. Must result in the development of new open education materials ($1,500 award).
    • Individual instructors or multi-section course teams of at least two instructors adapt an open textbook(s) for use in multi-section courses (must be two or more sections). Must result in the development of new open education materials ($2,000 award).
  • Tier 3 (Create)
    • Individual faculty members write new open textbook ($3,000 award).
    • Multi-section course teams of at least two instructors write new open textbook ($3,000 award).

Please go here to submit your proposal:

Open Textbook Review Incentive Program

A $200 stipend will be available to faculty who review an open textbook from the Open Textbook Library. The allocated funds are available on a first come first serve basis.

Faculty will provide a concise review of an open textbook based on the following criteria: comprehensiveness, content accuracy, relevance, clarity, consistency, modularity, organization, interface, grammatical errors, and cultural relevance. The review will be posted on the Open Textbook Library website under an open license. An OER workshop (see below for current workshop offerings) or a one-on-one consultation with a librarian will be required for faculty who are interested in writing a review.

If you are interested in reviewing an open textbook, please contact Amber Burtis at

Previous Faculty Incentive Awardees

$22,642 in textbook savings to students (reaching 111 UGRAD/66 GRAD)

Morris Library has awarded $11,000 to faculty

2021-2022 Awardees

Dong Han / Mass Communication in Society - JRNL 160 - Textbook savings: $1,449

David R. Burns / Digital Animation - RTD 382 - Textbook savings: $1,066


2022-2023 Awardees

John D. Reeve / Biostatistics - ZOOL/PLB 557 - Textbook savings: $5,750

Gary R. Kinsel / Quantitative Chemical Analysis - CHEM 330 - Textbook savings: $4,290

David R. Burns / 3D Computer Animation II - RTD 488 - Textbook savings: $1,133


2023-2024 Awardees

Gail Avendano / Aviation Writing and Communication – AVM 301 - Textbook savings: $1,820

Sean Boyle / Electric Vehicle Propulsions - AUT 455 - Textbook savings: $2,124

Tayler Hill / Organic Chemistry Applications - MEDP404c/540c - Textbook savings: $5,940

Rachel Olsen / Observation & Practice in TESOL (LING454) / TESOL Practicum (LING583) - Textbook savings: $440

Mike Olsen / Seminar in Sociolinguistics (Corpus Linguistics) - LING 550C - Textbook savings: $450