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AVM 300: Introduction to Aviation Management Research: Home

A guide for students taking AVM 300.

Workshop Instructor

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Jennifer Horton
Morris Library
Room 290
Southern Illinois University
Carbondale, IL

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Journal Articles and Reports


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Search Tips

  • Break your topic into the main concepts and use connectors (and, or) for your search:

What ergonomic factors affect flight attendants? --> Ergonomics and Flight Attendants

  • Use synonyms to expand your search and connect them with or:

Personnel management or Human resources management

  • Link from subjects or descriptors found in article citations to find others.
  • Use limits, such as language, publication date, and publication type (e.g., scholarly journals or peer-reviewed journals, review articles).
  • Combine searches in Search History.
  • Databases produced by the same vendor (for example, Business Source Complete, Military and Government, Econlit, and PsycINFO are all maintained by EBSCO) may be searched together.
  • Use truncation symbols if available, e.g. pest* will find pest, pests, or pesticides
  • Limit to words in the title or abstract to narrow your search

Morris Library Catalog and I-Share

Books and chapters in books can give you an overview on a particular topic. Use Morris Library's catalog to find these, along with journals, government documents, videos, DVDs, etc.

You may limit your search to just SIUC, or if you have 7-10 days to get your materials, search All I-Share Libraries and request that materials be sent to Morris.

Search Morris Library's Catalog

Search for books, ebooks, journals, government documents, DVDs, CDs, and more.


Can't Find it at Morris?

Request items from around the world through Interlibrary Loan. Check and request books from I-Share first before requesting books through this service.