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White, E. M., & Carver, A. D. (2004). Modeling timber mill procurement influence effects on interstate sawlog exportation. Forest Policy and Economics, 6(6), 529-537. doi:10.1016/S1389-9341(03)00002-9
Robertson, P. A., MacKenzie, M. D., Elliott, L. F. (1984). Gradient analysis and classification of the woody vegetation for four sites in southern Illinois and adjacent Missouri. Vegetatio, 58(2), 87-104. [Little Black Slough, Horseshoe Lake].
Robertson, P. A., Weaver, G. T, & Cavanaugh, J. A. (1978). Vegetation and tree species patterns near the northern terminus of the southern floodplain forest. Ecological Monographs, 48(3), 249-267. [Horseshoe Lake].
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Schoonover, J., & Williard, K. Native riparian vegetation impacts on agricultural surface and subsurface water quality in the Cache River watershed. [Conference paper abstract]. In Illinois Water Resources Center, Illinois water 2000. Urbana, IL USA United States. Nov. 13-14, 2000 (p. 60). Urbana, IL: IWRC. IWRC Special Report 26. Retrieved from
Schoonover, J. E., Williard, K. W. J., Zaczek, J. J., Mangun, J. C., & Carver, A. D. (2005). Nutrient attenuation in agricultural surface runoff by riparian zones in southern Illinois, USA. Agroforestry Systems, 64(2),169–180. doi:10.1007/s10457-004-0294-7
Schoonover, J. E., Williard, K. W. J., Zaczek, J. J., Mangun, J. C., & Carver, A. D. (2006). Agricultural sediment reduction by giant cane and forest riparian buffers. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 169(1-4), 303-315. Retrieved from
Ugent, D., Tindall, D. R., & Doorenbos, N. J. (1981). Big trees of the southern Illinois Cache River bottoms. Phytologia, 47, 420-440. [Available in print, McLafferty Annex, use the Request Storage Materials form]
White, E. M., & Carver, A. D. (2003). Diversifying farm income through woodlot management: Characteristics of farmer-owned NIPF land in Illinois. In: J. W. Sambeek, J. O. Dawson, F. Ponder, Jr., E. F. Loewenstein, J. S. Fralish, 13th central hardwoods forest conference. St. Paul, MN: U. S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, North Central Research Station, (pp.382-389). General Technical Report NC-234. Retrieved from
White, E. M., & Carver, A. D. (2004). Modeling timber mill procurement influence effects on interstate sawlog exportation. Forest Policy and Economics, 6(6), 529-537. doi:10.1016/S1389-9341(03)00002-9