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Morris Library

Cache River, Illinois: Watershed Science and Policy: Economics

Books, Theses, & Dissertations

  • Brown, B. E. (1981). Toward an understanding of the values, goals, and attitudes of southern Illinois farmers. Master's thesis, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, 114 p. Location: Morris Library, 4th Floor, Theses & Dissertations. Call Number: q. AGR 1981 B877

  • Ferguson, J. E. (1999). Assessing soil loss restrictions on farm practices in the Cache River watershed of southern Illinois:  A representative farm approach. Master’s thesis, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale. 136 p.  Location: Morris Library, 4th Floor, Theses & Dissertations.  Call Number: q. AGR 1999 F352a

  • Gebhardt, D. D. (1986). Acceptability of easements by landowners: a study of the Cache River private landowners and their relationship with the state of Illinois. Master's thesis, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale. 64 p. Location: Morris Library, 4th Floor, Theses & Dissertations. Call Number: q. GE 1986 G293

  • Gillman, K. R. (1996). The political ecology of conservation policy in cornbelt agriculture.  Ph.D. dissertation, Southern Illinois University Carbondale. 383 p.   Print Location: Morris Library, 4th Floor, Theses & Dissertations.  Call Number: q. GE 1996d G482

  • Keeney, R. (2002). An analysis of riparian ecosystem services as measured by the CRP EBI in the Cache River watershed. Master’s thesis, Southern Illinois University Carbondale. 174 p. Location: Morris Library, 4th Floor, Theses & Dissertations. Call Number: AGR 2002 K26a

  • Kozak, J. P. (2009). The geography of ecosystem service value: The case of the Des Plains and the Cache River Wetlands, Illinois. Master's thesis, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, 90 p. Print Location: Morris Library, 1st Floor, Special Collections Research Center  Call Number: Thesis 2009  [Note: Non-circulating, requires 72 hours notice for retrieval.]

  • Loftus, T. T. (2000). Predicting land-use: The CRP and environmental resources in a southern Illinois watershed. Ph.D. dissertation, Southern Illinois University Carbondale.

  • Ruhl, J. B., Kraft, S. E., & Lant, C. L. (2007). Ecosystem services from an agricultural watershed: the case of Big Creek. In: The law and policy of ecosystem services (pp. 205-212). Washington, D.C.: Island Press, 2007. [Morris Library Location: 5th Floor, Call Number: HC79.E5 R84 2007]

  • Shcherbaniuk, M. K. (2006). Modeling land use and cover change: Predicting re-enrollment in the Conservation Reserve Program using GIS and data mining procedures. Ph.D. Dissertation, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale. 236 p.  Print Location: Morris Library, 1st Floor, Special Collections Research Center.  Call Number: Diss. ERP 2006 S538m

  • Soman, S. (2008). Trade offs between environmental benefits provided by riparian buffers and agricultural production---implication for the Big Creek watershed. Ph.D. dissertation, Southern Illinois University Carbondale. 275 pPrint Location: Morris Library, Special Collections Research Center  Call Number: Diss. 2008 [Requires 72 hours notice. Non-circulating.]

  • White, E. M. (2001). The effects of timber mill location, production, and procurement influence on sawlog exportation from Illinois. Master’s thesis, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale.  84 p.    Location: Morris Library, 4th Floor, Theses & Dissertations.  Call Number:  q. FO 2001 W582e

  • Woodruff, K. J. (1997). Land acquisition in the welfare state: The case of the Cache River Bioreserve. Research paper,  Southern Illinois University at Carbondale.  56 p.  Location: Morris Library, 1st Floor, Special Collections Research Center.  Call Number: 97-WOOD 443523R  [Note: non-circulating, requires 72 hours notice for retrieval]


Articles, Papers, & Reports