"[A]bout 300 pages long and containing almost 800 maps. Data from decennial censuses prior to 2000 support nearly 150 maps and figures, providing context and an historical perspective for many of the topics presented."
"[M]aps and data that identify renewable, geothermal resources, possible locations for implementation of various geothermal technologies, and actual and potential geothermal power generation sites."
"The Henry J. Bruman Map Collection at UCLA contains historical and contemporary maps from around the world. The digital collection focuses on historical maps of California, Los Angeles County, and the city of Los Angeles with an emphasis on maps from 1860-1950. This is an ongoing project and maps will be added to this collection as they are scanned and processed."
"Political and administrative maps of continents, countries and regions, as well as online resources of maps, map collections, reference maps, and world maps."
"The Nationwide Rivers Inventory (NRI) is a listing of more than 3,200 free-flowing river segments in the United States that are believed to possess one or more "outstandingly remarkable" natural or cultural values judged to be at least regionally significant" maintained by the U.S. National Park Service.
"[S]hows where workers are employed and where they live. It also provides companion reports on age, earnings, industry distributions, race, ethnicity, educational attainment, and sex."
Guide compiled by the Library of Congress that can assist in researching and using the Sanborn Fire Insurance maps including databases, websites, and GIS projects.
Note for off-campus users: Network ID must include capitalized SIU prefix. Entering siuxxxxxxxx will not work.
Historical maps charting the growth and development cities and towns. Each map shows the street and building addresses at the time the map was made, as well as the outline of each building and construction details and was created to assist fire insurance companies assess property risks.