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Morris Library

SIU Open Access Policy: OA publication fees (APC) Waivers

This guide contains information about the SIU Open Access Policy for Faculty Scholarship and instructions on how to comply.

Article Processing Charges (APC)

Article Processing Charges (APCs) are one-time fees journals charge to make an article open access.  APCs are paid to the publisher at the time the manuscript is accepted and before it is published in the journal. APC amounts vary by journal and are not charged by all publishers. 

As part of Morris Library's commitment to support open access and expand dissemination of scholarly research, we have entered into agreements with several publishers (listed below) which allow SIUC authors to publish their articles open access without paying Article Publication Charges. 

APC waivers available to SIUC researchers via Library Agreements

  • Cambridge University Press (Full Waiver) - Article Processing Charges are waived for Articles accepted for publication in any of the 389 gold or hybrid journals covered by the Agreement.  The corresponding author must be affiliated with SIUC and handle the manuscript and correspondence during the article's publication process and have the authority to act on behalf of all co-authors in all matters pertaining to publication of the manuscript. Corresponding authors must use their SIUC email address when submitting their article for publication. Morris Library's current agreement runs through December 31, 2025. View the list of journals on Cambridge University Press OA Waiver & Discount Checker
  • Company of Biologists - The agreement includes publishing articles by SIUC authors immediately open access under
    CC BY Version 4.0 terms. The corresponding author must use an SIUC email address throughout the submission
    process. Morris library's current agreement runs through December 31, 2025 and includes the following journals: 
    • Development
    • Journal of Cell Science
    • Journal of Experimental Biology
    • Disease, Models and Mechanisms
    • Biology Open
  • Cold Spring Harbor - The Publisher offers the corresponding author who must be affiliated with SIUC the option to publish and distribute the article as an Open Access publication with a CC-BY or a CC-BY-NC Version 4.0 license, with the author retaining copyright. All Article Processing Charges are waived. This option does not apply to certain other article types including comments, editorials, and analyses. Morris library's current agreement runs through December 31, 2025 and includes the following journals: 
    • Genes & Development
    • Genome Research
    • RNA
    • Learning & Memory
    • Molecular Case Studies (OA publication)
  • Microbiology Society - The Publisher offers the corresponding author who must be affiliated with SIUC and are identified prior to publication on the basis of their institutional email domain, or institutional affiliation listed in the file submitted for peer review, to publish articles under an Open Access license without further fees, where such articles are accepted for publication during the license period. Authors must sign an appropriate Creative Commons license.
    •  Microbiology
    • Access Microbiology 
    • Microbial Genomics 
    • Journal of General Virology 
    • Journal of Medical Microbiology 
    • International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 

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