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EndNote Desktop: Preferences

A guide to EndNote Desktop X9

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Panel Preferences

Your EndNote Desktop library is divided into 4 panels. You have several options to customize the appearance and location of the panels to optimize your productivity. Below is an image of the default panel layout with each panel labelled in red:

You can hide the Search Panel by clicking the Hide Search Panel button in the toolbar.

To change the panel layout, open the Layout menu in the lower right-hand side of the screen and choose your desired layout.

You can restore the default panel layout by opening the Edit menu, choosing Preferences, and then clicking theRevert Panel button at the bottom of the Preferences box.

Appearance Preferences


You can customize the font and text size in EndNote Desktop.

Step 1: Click the Edit menu and choose Preferences in the Preferences pop-up window and then Display Fonts (see screen-shot below).

Step 2a: Click Change Font while in the Library tab to change the appearance of the text in the Groups, Search, Reference List, and Tabs panels.

Step 2b: Click Change Font while in the General tab to change the appearance of the text in the Reference, Output Styles, Connection File, and Import Filters windows.

Step 2c: Click Change Font while in the Labels tab to change the appearance of the text in the field labels of the Reference window in the Tabs group.

**You can restore the default fonts by clicking on the Edit menu, choosing Preferences, and then clicking the EndNote Defaults button at the bottom of the Preferences box.**

PDF Preferences

To begin using the PDF functions of EndNote Desktop set your PDF handling preferences.

Step 1: Click the Edit menu, choose Preferences, and click on PDF Handling in the Preferences pop-up window.

Step 2: In the section of the pop-up window labelled "PDF Auto Renaming Options", choose the desired naming convention for PDFs. The naming convention is used when PDFs are imported into Desktop either with the Find Full Text or the PDF Auto Import feature.

Step 3: Enable automatic PDF importing from a folder on your computer by checking the Enable automatic importing box and clicking Select folder to choose the folder from which to automatically import PDFs into EndNote Desktop every time you open it. You can also create a new folder on your device when the Select folder dialog appears.

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Reference List Panel Field Preferences

You can also customize the fields that display in the Reference List Panel.

Step 1: Open the Edit menu and click Preferences and then choose Display Fields in the Preferences window below.

Step 2: Set the desired field labels and preferences and click OK when done.

Mac Preferences

To access the Preferences window on a Mac, click on EndNote X7 and select Preferences OR press Command+P.

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