Step 1: Search for and select (by clicking on the title) the desired reference.
Step 2: Hold your cursor over Export/Save and select Endnote, Citavi, or Reference Manager.
Step 3: Click Continue.
Step 4: After you click Continue, you'll see this screen for a few seconds.
Step 5: Select the application with which to open the .ris file (see the "Add References" page for help).
Step 5: The new reference will appear in your Imported References folder in EndNote Desktop.
Step 1: Click My Research to log-in to or create an account in a ProQuest database.
Step 2: Search for and save the appropriate references in a folder.
Step 3: Select the desired folder.
Step 4: Select the items to be exported to Endnote Desktop or check the Select Items box to select all.
Step 5: Hold your cursor over Export/Save and click Endnote, Citavi, or Reference Manager.
Step 6: Click Continue.
Step 7: After you click continue, you'll see the screen below for a few seconds.
Step 8: Select the application with which to open the .ris file (see the "Add References" page for help).
Step 9: The new references will appear in your Imported References folder in EndNote Desktop.