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EndNote Desktop: Manually Add a Reference

A guide to EndNote Desktop X9

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Manually Add a Reference

To mannually add a reference to an EndNote Desktop library:

Step 1: Click on the References menu and select New Reference.

Step 2: Select the Reference Type. The entry fields will change for each type of source.

Step 3: For most reference types begin by entering the author(s). EndNote Desktop will suggest authors already in your EndNote library as you type. Authors not in your library will appear in red.

Tips for entering authors names:

Personal Names

  • Enter one personal name per line.
  • Enter last name (surname) comma first name or initials. Examples: Smith, John OR Smith, J.
  • All parts of compound last names are entered before the first comma. Example: de Young, J.R.
  • All parts of compound first names are entered after the first comma. Example: Smith, John Robert
  • Suffixes are entered after a second comma. Example: Johnson, Anthony, Jr.

Corporate or Institutional Names

  • Enter one corporate or institutional name per line.
  • Use a double comma for corporate or institutional names that contain a comma. For example, enter University of California,, Berkeley. If you use only one comma EndNote Desktop will assume Berkeley is a first name and University of California a last name.

Step 4: Press Tab to move to the next field.

Step 5: Attach PDFs or other file types to the reference by tabbing or scrolling to the File Attachments field and in the References menu choose File Attachments and Attach File and choose the appropriate file from your device.

Step 6: Add personal notes about the reference in the Research Notes field.

Step 7: When you're done entering the reference, choose Close Reference from the File menu and choose Yes when prompted to save your changes.

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